Monday, December 12, 2011

Tworship what is it?

By now you probably have a Twitter account,
Please feel free to follow me  @BunnyRamey
Or some other type of socail networking account.
Youtube, Facebook or GodVine.
Well Tworship works with Twitter.
It is a way for Christain Tweeps to worship the Lord together.
Encouraging each other with scriptures from the bible.
Worshipping without Borders.
A World of Tweeps, Worshipping the Lord!

Spreading the Good News in todays world, is easier and easier.
Rejoice! As Technology increases, the ease of spreading the good news
becomes more available, to the lost, sick and poor.

The bible tells us that God's plan is for the Good News to be preached throughout the whole world, before the end comes.
What a better way to tell the hopeless that there is hope. To share with them the Joy of Christ,  than through the technology that is reaching the whole world.

Matthew 24:14
And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.

Want the details ???    Go to
So what are you waiting for? Go! Get Your Praise On!

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Blessing to you in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!